Over the past few years, Crossfit has seen a surge in popularity and has become a polarizing force in the fitness world. People seem to love it or hate it. People who attend crossfit classes swear by it to keep themselves fit and in the gym. To them, there is nothing better than pushing their physical limitations and overcoming their hurdles. For people who rally against it, they perceive unsafe practices that lead to a lot of injuries. 

The truth is we don’t see a higher percentage of patients from crossfit programs than any other group class situation. Crossfit isn’t inherently dangerous or a poorly constructed program. If you find a good crossfit gym, it can be a rewarding way to workout that comes with an active community. Crossfit oftens helps people be more active than if they just had traditional gym access. If you are thinking of doing crossfit, here are some things to keep in mind.

Talk to a Doctor

One of the biggest dangers when it comes from crossfit is not knowing what your body can actually handle. Before you start any new workout regime, you should talk to your doctor to find out what you can handle right away, what you should work toward, and what may not be right for you. If you have been a couch potato and try to jump into the crossfit deep-end, it is extremely likely you will get hurt.

Educate Yourself

A well run crossfit class should help you learn how to do the exercises correctly. One of the most prevalent reasons we see injuries from group fitness classes across the board is incorrect form. You have to know how to move your body from start to finish for every exercise. If you don’t know what you are doing, you can get a personal trainer for a short time to learn how to do the basics. This could save you a lot of money in physical therapy bills later.

It’s More Than Exercise

A lot of people think crossfit is purely physical feats, but that is not the whole picture. One key aspect is getting your nutritional life in order. With an intense workout like crossfit, you need to make sure you are eating right. Your muscles need the right fuel. If you neglect your nutrition, you are more likely to get hurt. 

All things considered, there is nothing wrong with crossfit if it means people will stick to improving their fitness. If it is something you want to try, you absolutely should! Just make sure you speak with your doctor and know what type of movements you are going to be doing. If you would like to hear more about our thoughts on crossfit, listen to episode 31 of Training Room Talk and let us know what you think in the comments below! 

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